Q: how can I convert a 2-item list to a dotted pair cons cell?

I can convert a 2-item list to a dotted pair with:

(let ((list '(1 2)))
  (cons (car list) (cadr list)))        ; => (1 . 2)

I'm blanking: is there a built-in function that does this, or should I roll my own?

  • 5
    Shameless plug: suggest is great in cases like this. Put your input as '(1 2), your output as '(1 . 2) and it will suggest (apply #'cons '(1 2)) for you! Commented Sep 12, 2016 at 3:08

1 Answer 1


cons makes a cons cell out of two arguments. apply uses a list as arguments to a function. When their powers combine: (apply #'cons x) converts a two element list into a cons cell (without having to poke around inside the list) and raises an error if the list isn't 2 long.

  • 1
    It's awesome how this is both more concise and includes proper error handling. Commented Sep 12, 2016 at 6:58

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