I want to use an interactive function to do the vim-like gd n
in Emacs, search the current word in buffer
in vim will select current word(highlighting same words), and n will cycle selecting the current word in current file.
I used to use an interactive function(by google and copy), binding to 'M-n' to do this,
(or maybe it is a function in some package)
but a few days before my .emacs.d
directory has lost by fault.
The last few days I've been searching for this function again and again and
did not get it.
Can any one help me with this?
By using this function, I can hit M-n
just one time, the word
under/just-before/just-after point will be selected and point will
go to the next occurance of the same word under/just-before/just-after point.
thanks a lot!
Thank you all for your answers!
The key thing is here:
I should use the same kbd, say it is M-n
to select the current word and to cycling all candidates.
so if I put point on a word, I just need to hit M-n
multiple times to cycling all the same word in buffer.