I have a dired workflow that I like. From a file-visiting buffer, I'll use dired-jump to pop up to the containing directory. Dired renders the directory in a new buffer with the cursor on the file-entry I came from. Another dired-jump puts me in the parent directory with the cursor on the subdirectory I was in. This makes it easy to drill back down with a series of Return keypresses.

The downside is that dired generates a lot of buffers in order to build such a "breadcrumb" trail. I mitigate this somewhat by reusing buffers on my way down, using dired-find-alternate-file. But I still end up with multiple dired buffers littering the buffer list, so I'd like to find an easy way to toggle hiding dired buffers in IBuffer.

As an example, with a file-tree like,

├── A    
└── B    
    ├── x
    └── y

and starting from the file ~/B/y, running dired-jump results in (using | to represent the cursor position):

buffer contents  buffer list
---------------  -----------
~/B:             ~/B/
.                ~/B/y

Another dired-jump:

buffer contents  buffer list
---------------  -----------
~:               ~/
.                ~/B/
..               ~/B/y

Then find-alternate-file:

buffer contents  buffer list
---------------  -----------
~/B:             ~/B/
.                ~/B/y

And another find-alternate-file puts me back into file y, with only ~/B/y in my buffer list.

  • 2
    The question is unclear to me. Please provide a recipe to repro the problem (e.g. how reusing Dired buffers interferes with whatever). Is this a question about improving some Dired behavior, or is it, as the title says, just a question about telling Ibuffer to hide some buffers? If the latter, what does it really have to do with Dired?
    – Drew
    Commented Oct 15, 2016 at 15:29

2 Answers 2


If all you want is to hide *dired* buffers from ibuffer, just add this to your .emacs :-

(add-to-list 'ibuffer-never-show-predicates "^\\*dired")


You could use a custom filter group, like so:

/ m dired-mode RET                      ;Filter by dired-mode
/ !                                     ;Negate filter
/ s non-dired RET                       ;Save filter as "non-dired"

(add-hook 'ibuffer-mode-hook
          (lambda nil (ibuffer-add-saved-filters "non-dired")))

Note, that you can negate the filter as desired, in case you need to view the dired buffers.

  • Oh cool! I'll try this, and take a further look at IBuffer filters.
    – ivan
    Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 14:49

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