I would like to make some change on spacemacs's default buffer *spacemacs*
move recently files and projects to left and show my TODO list in the right or bottom from another file
It's not clear what you're trying to do here. Please see What's the difference between a buffer, a file, a window, and a frame? so that we're all sure we're using the same terms in the same way.– Dan ♦Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 18:54
Sorry for that, after read that question, I have known that what I mean is buffer.– FangxingCommented Mar 17, 2017 at 0:56
3 Answers
Use emacs-dashboard ? It is
A shameless extraction of Spacemac's startup screen
- Displays an awesome Emacs banner!
- Recent files
- Bookmarks list
- Recent projectile projects list (Depends on
they're working to make it easily customisable, AFAIK.
It seems like you're looking for something more along the lines of Workgroups2
, a session manager for emacs that saves and restores open buffers along with thier locations and sizes. Also supports multiple workspaces.
Comprehensive info is available at readthedocs: Workgroups2 - Emacs Session Manager
And git: Workgroups for Emacs
- Emacs works differently than other editors you may have used in the past and Spacemacs is really "just" a configuration of layers and extensions that make Emacs more accessible to new users. A key difference, as Dan points out, is that everything begins in a buffer... and is only later written to a file type.
- For instance, having the Scratch buffer always available is very handy. One can immediately enter anything here (an org TODO, a Clojure script, a LISP fragment).
- It only becomes something else when you do something to the buffer; that is, when you save it to a file (foo.org, foo.clj, foo.lisp, etc). Saving a buffer as something changes its nature from general to specific, from potentiality to actuality.
This has interesting philosophical considerations!
I also wanted to change the startup buffer (or spacemacs-buffer as it is called) and I found https://www.reddit.com/r/spacemacs/comments/55p1td/dont_like_the_new_footer_or_customizing_your/ where basically says that the design of the page is done in spacemacs/core/core-spacemacs-buffer.el (https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/blob/master/core/core-spacemacs-buffer.el). And I did so, I didn't want to see the release-notes (they are meaningles because now all the development is done in the development branch) and I wrote
(defun spacemacs-buffer//notes-insert-release-note ())
in my .spacemacs file in section dotspacemacs/user-config