How can I get below result with org table formula? The number of rows maybe too many, so doing it line by line is not good way.

For example:

@1$2 = @1$1 - @1$1
@2$2 = @2$1 - @1$1
@3$2 = @3$1 - @2$1

| x | delta |
| 2 |     0 |
| 3 |     1 |
| 5 |     2 |
| 1 |    -4 |
| 7 |     6 |

2 Answers 2


Using Calc’s logical operations to handle the first row:

| x | delta |
| 2 |     0 |
| 3 |     1 |
| 5 |     2 |
| 1 |    -4 |
| 7 |     6 |
#+tblfm: $2=@# < 3 ? 0 : $1-@-1$1


  • Org-tables understand Calc expressions (see (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc")). The if expression uses the syntax condition ? then-part : else-part.
  • @#, the current row's index number, is being substituted before calc-eval. @# < 3 tests whether the current row's index is less than 3.
  • $1 refers to the current row in column 1. @-1$1 takes the value in column 1 with current row's index minus 1 (the cell one row above). The else part subtracts the value in the cell above from the value in the current row's cell.
  • 1
    Can you please add some notes about your formula. It is super crisp (+1 for that) and would be nice to know how to works!
    – Prasanna
    Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 1:43

As follows:

| x | delta |
| 2 |     0 |
| 3 |     1 |
| 5 |     2 |
| 1 |    -4 |
| 7 |     6 |
#+TBLFM: @2$2=0::@3$2..@>$2=@0$1-@-1$1

The entry @2$2, row 2 column 2, has to be set separately. Otherwise @3$2..@>$2, rows 3 to last, column 2, is set to @0$1 (current row, column 1) minus @-1$1 (previous row, column 1). Details of mechanisms for referencing different cells may be found in the Org Mode info page, under The spreadsheet, available via C-h i or at the online version

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