I have a very weird problem, I cannot type left open bracket character ([
) into any buffer. Bracket itself is recognized when I:
- type anywhere outside emacs
- type in minibuffer
- use it as part of command (
in evil normal state orC-c [
in reftex work as expected) - launch
emacs -Q
, then it works in buffers
After typing [
it looks like this:
When I try to describe [
with C-h k
, it's treated as prefix, not as all the other chars (which do self-insert-command)
I can't manually bind inserting [
to [
, it's not recognized. My current workaround is like this:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-[") (kbd "C-x 8 RET L S B R RET"))
This interactively selects "LEFT SQUARE BRACKET"
in C-x 8 RET
(insert char) command in my ivy-flx, but it's slower and annoying.
I'm not on macbook, as they seem to have related problems (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3376863/unable-to-type-braces-and-square-braces-in-emacs), I'm on Arch Linux, with emacs 25.2.1.
After turning evil-mode off the problem persists, so I guess that's not that.
My config is here: https://pastebin.com/8FLSkbAA.
Any feedback really appreciated!
file (emacs -Q
). So it's something in yourinit
file. You need to bisect it recursively to isolate the problem.[ <f1>
it should show you what[
is a prefix of, which might be helpful.which-key
, but once I got it working it gave me the yasnippet answer right away! imgur.com/a/aXX7F now the question is how to fix it, but now I'm much closer!