In my .dir-locals.el
I have:
(cpp-mode . (setq flycheck-gcc-include-path '("/home/<user>/<project>/include")))
This doesnt seem to set flycheck-gcc-include-path
, any ideas why?
Also is there a list option for flycheck-gcc-include-path
so I can specify more than one include directory?
Edit: Heres my flycheck stuff in my init.el
;; syntax checker flycheck
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)
; error showing up console
(with-eval-after-load 'flycheck
;(setq flycheck-gcc-include-path '("/home/<user>/<project>"))
(setq flycheck-disabled-checkers '(c/c++-clang))
(setq flycheck-enabled-checkers '(c/c++-gcc))
If I uncomment the line for flycheck-gcc-include-path
it works. I want this on a project basis so I am trying to set it in .dir-locals.el