What are the function names for these two bindings?

C-o C-x C-e - evaluate expression before cursur and display limited length result in echo area

C-u 0 C-x C-e - evaluate expression before cursor and insert value at point. The latter can also be expressed as C-0 C-x C-e but doesn't work in my configuration.

| Description                                                                      | Key binding   | Function       |
| evaluate expression before cursor and display in echo area                       | C-x C-e       |                |
| evaluate expression before cursor and insert limited length result at point      | C-j           | eval-last-sexp |
| evaluate expression before cursor and display limited length result in echo area | C-o C-x C-e   |                |
| evaluate expression before cursor and insert value at point                      | C-u 0 C-x C-e |                |

Trying to check them via the descbinds function doesn't seem to work well.

Is there some formal way of expressing key bindings as strings that can be used to lookup their matching functions?

  • 1
    1. Did you mean C-o C-x C-e or C-0 C-x C-e? C-o is itself bound to command open-line, which inserts a newline character. 2. What is "the descbinds function" - do you mean C-h k?
    – Drew
    Commented Jul 27, 2017 at 13:05
  • 1
    Does this answer your question? How to describe a key sequence that starts with `C-u`?
    – Drew
    Commented Jan 1 at 17:40

1 Answer 1


I think the only relevant key-binding to search is: C-x C-e which for me is bound to eval-last-sexp. C-0 and C-u 0 are prefix args that are passed to the function that C-x C-e is bound to; they don't change the function that is run.

To see what C-x C-e is bound to, type C-h k C-x C-e.

You can use this command to

(describe-key "\C-x\C-e")
(describe-key (kbd "C-x C-e"))

You can get a list of all the currently accessible bindings with M-x describe-bindings. Then you can search for a string in it.

  • I have updated the question with a cheat sheet table that I am creating. What I am looking for are the associated function names if there are any.
    – vfclists
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 0:18
  • I am hoping to find a tool that will allow me to make the tables cells multiline to prevent it from being too wide.
    – vfclists
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 0:27
  • 1
    I think you missed the point. all your empty function cells point to the same function: whatever C-x C-x points to. all the things before those are just prefix args that get passed to that command. Also, as @Drew pointed out in your third cell down it should be C-0 C-x C-e. Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 15:42

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