is useful when you want to give some existing function an alternative name. But you want to change what a certain key does, and that's a different problem.
You have to bind "RET"
to some command in some keymap, a problem that can be broken down into two smaller problems: "what keymap?" and "what command?".
To find the appropriate keymap you can use rgrep
in the directory containing the Magit source to search for magit-diff-visit-file
Turns out you actually have to modify two keymaps magit-file-section-map
and magit-hunk-section-map
and that instead of "RET"
you should use [remap magit-visit-thing]
, though the former would work too.
(define-key magit-file-section-map [remap magit-visit-thing] '???)
(define-key magit-hunk-section-map [remap magit-visit-thing] '???)
Looking at the other matches and the code in close approximation suggests that no variation exists that behaves the way you want, but defining it is easy: copy magit-diff-visit-file
, replace the body with a call to that function and adjust the name, signature and interactive
(defun magit-diff-visit-file-other-window (file)
(interactive (list (--if-let (magit-file-at-point)
(expand-file-name it)
(user-error "No file at point"))))
(magit-diff-visit-file file t))