I want to focus emacs by running some elisp. I have tried using do-applescript and the following snippet to focus Emacs:
if application "Emacs" is running then
tell application "System Events" to click UI element "Emacs" of list 1 of application process "Dock"
end if
The problem is that I don't know how to grant emacsclient assistive access (The elisp code is given to emacsclient as an argument, see my full script at the end to get a feel for what I mean. I have given Emacs.app that access.)
Note that just "tell to activate" doesn't work if Emacs is in fullscreen.
I have also tried these, they don't work:
(x-focus-frame nil)
(other-frame 0)
(select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame))
Here is my full bash script that gets a file and its position from IntelliJ and opens emacsclient with the necessary code to open the file and focus emacs:
#printf "%q\n" "hello\world"
#printf -v file "%q\n" $1
#printf "%q\n" "hello\world$1 $2 $3"
# if [ ! -e $socket ]; then
# # $emacsdir/Emacs &
# /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-mac/emacs-25.3-mac-6.8/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs &
# while [ ! -e $socket ]; do
# sleep 1
# done
# fi
#Printf $file
emacsclient \
--no-wait \
-e \
;; Load the file
(find-file \"$file\")
;; Jump to the same point as in IntelliJ
;; Unfortunately, IntelliJ doesn't always supply the values
;; depending on where the open is invoked from; e.g. keyboard
;; works, tab context doesn't
(when (not (string= \"\" \"$line\"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- $2))
(forward-char (1- $3)))
;; Raise/focus our window; depends on the windowing system
(if (string-equal system-type \"darwin\")
(do-applescript \"tell application \\\"Emacs\\\" to activate\")
(do-applescript \"if application \\\"Emacs\\\" is running then \\\n tell application \\\"System Events\\\" to click UI element \\\"Emacs\\\" of list 1 of application process \\\"Dock\\\" \\\n end if\")))
(x-focus-frame nil)
(other-frame 0)
(select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame))
;; Automatically pick up changes made in IntelliJ
(auto-revert-mode t))"