If I have an org file open:

 |                                        |
 |                                        |
 |                                        |
 |                org file                |
 |                                        |
 |                                        |
 |                                        |
 |                                        |
 |                                        |
 |                                        |

And open the Agenda view:

 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |    org file      |       agenda        |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |

And then hit TAB on a todo item, it does (org-agenda-goto) and jumps to the item in the original window:

 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |    org file      |       agenda        |
 |    jumped to     |                     |
 |    item          |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |

Which is great. If I do (org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer), however, it opens in a teeny window below the agenda:

 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |    org file      |       agenda        |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  +---------------------+
 |                  |     org item i.b.   |

What I'd like to happen is:

 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |    org item i.b. |       agenda        |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |
 |                  |                     |

I could do this by just typing TAB , s b, which isn't so bad, but out of general interest I'm wondering how do I control the placement of the new window that org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer creates?

  • 1
    If you set org-indirect-buffer-display to 'current-window, does that achieve the desired behavior? (setq org-indirect-buffer-display 'current-window) The default value is 'other-window. To see available choices, type C-h v aka M-x describe-variable ....
    – lawlist
    Commented Nov 8, 2019 at 1:04
  • Thanks - that doesn't work unfortunately. Oddly, both 'current-window and 'other-window open the indirect buffer in the same place for me. (I checked and the variable is being updated OK - e.g. if I use 'new-frame the indirect buffer appears in a new frame).
    – ngm
    Commented Nov 8, 2019 at 20:08

1 Answer 1


I agree with this request. Here's a workaround:

In org-agenda.el I found the function: org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer and changed the line which calls "split-window".

I added the parameters nil 't to the split-window call:


        (unless (and indirect-window (window-live-p indirect-window))
          (setq indirect-window (split-window agenda-window)))


        (unless (and indirect-window (window-live-p indirect-window))
          (setq indirect-window (split-window agenda-window nil 't)))

It's a hack, and may mess up other functionality but it works for me.

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