Can I make table2 automatically recalculate a remote() formula when I modify data in table1?
I have the below tables and the first table is automatically recalculated when I press TAB (thanks to the "#" in the first column), but the second one it's only recalculated when move my cursor over it and press TAB in there as well.
I would like to have it recalculated when I change (TAB) the first table.
#+NAME: table1
| # | + Units | value | value2 |
| # | unit1 | 3110 | 295 |
| # | unit2 | | |
| # | unit3 | | |
| # | - Units | value | value2 |
| # | unit1 | -40 | |
| # | unit2 | -105 | |
| # | unit3 | -26 | |
| * | TOTAL: | 2939 | 295 |
#+TBLFM: @9$3=vsum(@-1..@1);EN::@9$4=vsum(@-1..@1);EN
#+NAME: table2
| # | TOTAL + | 3405 |
| # | TOTAL - | -171 |
#+TBLFM: @1$3=vsum(remote(table1,@I$3..@II$3))+vsum(remote(table1,@I$4..@II$4));EN::@2$3=vsum(remote(table1,@III$3..@IIII$3))+vsum(remote(table1,@III$4..@IIII$4));EN
I am aware that it might be possible using elisp code but would like to have it work with calc syntax, if possible.
M-x org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables RET
recalculate both tables?