I do a lot of R coding on Emacs – on Windows – using the wonderful ESS package. What I particularly like is that I can:
- start an R session, and then send lines or regions of the script I'm working on to that session
- send the whole script to be evaluated
- switch back and forth between R session and script editing
ESS also provides some documentation when inputting an R function (for example which arguments it requires) and some autocompletion features. But these are less important to me than the above three.
Can you suggest an Emacs mode for working with python scripts, similar to ESS in the three points above? (I have an Anaconda Windows installation.)
I've explored elpy, but it's extremely slow (often completely freezes Emacs) and doesn't seem to have the possibility of sending lines to the interpreter. It has the right functionality but can be too slow in its base configuration. Probably it tries to do too much; for example it gives information about imported packages but frankly I don't need that. No project-management help is needed either.
I've heard of anaconda mode but it doesn't seem to provide interaction with an interpreter: only autocompletion and documentation. I've also heard of python mode but haven't understood if it provides interaction with a python interpreter. Finally, Jedi is a total mystery, and EIN doesn't seem to be designed for scripting.
It seems that with python part of the problem is also the choice of interpreter, if I understood correctly. In this case, which python interpreter would be best, to achieve something similar to the R+ESS seamless interaction?
Most related questions on StackExchange are 4–6 years old; presumably a lot has changed in the meantime.
Thank you all.