I'm a new Doom Emacs user that can't get used to having to save files manually.
I found a way to auto save evil buffers, but the problem with this approach is that I'm not able step out of vterm (an Emacs terminal emulator) without Emacs prompting me to save the vterm buffer, which obviously doesn't make any sense.
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-exit-hook
(lambda ()
(call-interactively #'save-buffer)))
I was thinking maybe I could save specific file types only, so Emacs doesn't try to save the vterm buffer, how would I modify the above elisp to auto save files only for specific file types?
and what does it have to do with the problem? What is the "vterm buffer"? What specific file types do you want to save? How exactly is Emacs supposed to know what you want to save and when?