I am working in a git-repo using zsh shell.

On the background, git-auto-fetch plugin is running in order to automatically fetch all changes from all remotes while I am working in a git-initialized directory.

Due to this, if the buffer I am using in emacs is touched or changed the file behind my back:

  • I am first asked: emacs has changed since visited or saved. Save anyway? #> Yes

  • Than asked again: example_file.py changed on disk; really edit the buffer? (y, n, r or C-h) #> y

Would it be possible to prevent:

  • emacs has changed since visited or saved. Save anyway?
  • example_file.py changed on disk; really edit the buffer? (y, n, r or C-h)

messages to show up by default and force to make their answer Yes/y?

my save function:

(defun my-save-all ()
       (let ((message-log-max nil)
             (inhibit-message t))
         (save-some-buffers t)))

(defun save-all ()
  (bk-kill-buffers "__init__.py")
  (bk-kill-buffers "*helm"))

2 Answers 2


You might want to check the auto-answer package. It works on functions whose the underlying prompt is yes-or-no-p, read-string, read-from-minibuffer, read-key-sequence, read-key-sequence-vector, read-event , read-passwd or lastly read-multiple-choice.

It's pretty easy to use. Just bind auto-answer to a list of (REGEXP ANSWER):

;; Example usage:
;; (let ((auto-answer '(("\\`What's your name\\? \\'" "jack")
;;                      ("\\`What's your password\\? \\'" "secr3t"))))
;;   (list
;;    (read-string "What's your name? ")
;;    (read-passwd "What's your password? ")))
;; => ("jack" "secr3t")

Hence, in your case, you could do something like this (not tested):

(let ((auto-answer
       '((".*has changed since visited or saved. Save anyway\\?" t)
         (".*changed on disk; really edit the buffer\\?.*" ?y))

I have read the source code of save-some-buffers, so I'm sure that the first prompt is a yes-or-no-p (thus the answer t), though it's rather obvious. I'm not sure about the second prompt, but it is most likely a read-multiple-choice. If not, you have to figure it out and change the answer accordingly.

auto-answer is currently not on Melpa. You can install it with quelpa-use-package:

(use-package auto-answer
  :quelpa (auto-answer :fetcher github :repo "YoungFrog/auto-answer")
  :ensure t)

or just with quelpa (which is available on Melpa):

(quelpa '(auto-answer :fetcher github :repo "YoungFrog/auto-answer"))
  • Is it possible to install auto-answer from package-install?
    – alper
    Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 17:46
  • @alper It's currently not on Melpa, but you can install it with quelpa-use-package. See the update of the answer. Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 18:02
  • it says: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Package ‘auto-answer-’ is unavailable") while using quelpa
    – alper
    Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 18:20
  • 1
    @alper My bad, quelpa-use-package is not on Melpa, but quelpa is. I also assumed you have installed use-package. With quelpa alone, (quelpa '(auto-answer :fetcher github :repo "YoungFrog/auto-answer")) should work. Is that what you tried ? Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 18:29
  • I gave up quelpa and just created its file under a folder and loaded using: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/auto-answer") (require 'auto-answer)
    – alper
    Commented Jul 21, 2021 at 18:32

Based on an example from the emacs wiki, the following works for me to force Emacs to overwrite external changes to the file:

(defadvice basic-save-buffer (around auto-confirm compile activate)
  (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'yes-or-no-p) (lambda (&rest args) t))
            ((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (&rest args) t)))

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