I have a large text file (2352 lines) which periodically contains the word Generation. I now want to delete all lines containing this word. But when I select the word, do mc/mark-all-like-this, C-a and C-k not all instances, but only a few that are nearby, are deleted.

My mc/cmds-to-run-once is empty.

Is there a setting so that all file wide instances are marked/deleted? What am I missing?

1 Answer 1


multiple-cursors is not part of Emacs, but is a separate package. You should contact the author to report bugs.

However, your task can be accomplished a different way. Just run M-x flush-lines and type in a regexp that matches the lines you want to delete. It sounds like simply typing in “Generation” would do the trick.

You can look up the help for this command with C-h f.

  • Thanks for the answer, I will try flush-lines for now. I thought it was fine to ask the question here since there is a tag and there are other questions about just this package. When I have time I will try and contribute to the project, but since the issues are closed, the only way would be via a pull request. Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 23:52
  • 1
    Of course it is fine to ask, but as with anything else sometimes the answer is to file a bug report.
    – db48x
    Commented Nov 9, 2023 at 0:55

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