The PDF is attached like so:
***** Model :ATTACH:
:ID: f1e5fc57-b85d-4a2c-b064-32523dd11901
:ORG_ATTACH_FILES: patience.RWaR.2023-12-17.p1.r1-1.pdf
As, suggested by NickD (thanks), I can eval:
(org-attach-expand "patience.RWaR.2023-12-17.p1.r1-1.pdf")
..and get this:
This is something I can use in gnus if I use a template
<#part type="application/octet-stream" filename="patience.RWaR.2023-12-17.p1.r1-1.pdf" disposition=attachment description=Foo>
, but that's quite a tedious process;) Any pointers as to how I can bind this to a key?;)
The best solution would be something like org-attach-dired-to-subtree. For org-mode, I open a Dired buffer next to my org-mode file, then I run that command and the file is attached to the org-mode heading.
Something like that for gnus;)
That would work like so:
- Open the buffer containing the org-attach file and another buffer with gnus
- Put point on :ORG_ATTACH_FILES: and issue the command org-attach-to-gnus
The org-attach file would then become an attachment to the gnus mail.
I find it hard to believe there is no simple way to do this. Let alone a simple method, to be able to do this, there are like 25 steps, currently.