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12 votes
1 answer

How do I make tramp+eshell use my environment customized in the remote ~/.bash_profile

I have set up custom $PATH in my ~/.bash_profile on a remote machine (for programs installed user-locally by nix and cabal). I use eshell and tramp to issue commands on the remote machine (cd /...
imz -- Ivan Zakharyaschev's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Eshell doesn't reuse TRAMP connection for remote subprocesses

I was trying to operate on remote host using eshell and was disappointed to discover that majority of operations would hang emacs for several seconds. I found it surprising considering that normally ...
mpontus's user avatar
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remote tramp eshell session changes to localhost

I start a tramp dired session to a remote host with C-x d /ssh:user@host:/ and then start eshell with M-x eshell. This places me at the dired path on the remote host, however as soon as I try to cd ...
retrodev's user avatar
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2 answers

Eshell and Dired are unable to extract port number from authinfo file

My default-directory is: /ssh:[email protected]#2222:/home3/lawlist My .authinfo file contains: machine 12.34.567.89 login lawlist password abcdefg The above-combination works just fine. ...
lawlist's user avatar
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