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Questions tagged [filling]

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How to remove the 'line breakable' property for all the thousands of Chinese characters?

For a given Chinese character, C-u C-x = (what-cursor-position DETAIL) says category: .:Base, C:2-byte han, L:Strong L2R, c:Chinese, j:Japanese, |:line breakable How can I remove the 'line breakable'...
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Make Emacs fill in text up to 80 columns

I'm using Emacs-28.2 (9.0) on MacOS Sonoma 14.3 and Emacs 26.1-10 on RedHat-8.8. In both cases I have the same config with the following setting: (setq fill-column 79) So I was expecting that when I ...
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shr/filling: don't split inline latex in html

my package mastodon.el uses shr-render-region to render posts, which fills text at shr-width. if the post contains inline latex, shr's filling will split up the latex so that it will not be possible ...