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Questions tagged [generators]

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why does the Iterator Yield A Different Value?

I tested two similar generators, and the result confused me. This iterator yields values as I expected: ELISP> (iter-defun f (x) (setq x (iter-yield (1+ x))) (setq x (iter-yield ...
shynur's user avatar
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How to convert a generator to a list?

I'm a huge fan of using generators all the time and for everything, but sometimes you just need to convert an iterator to a list. The documentation on generators seems to imply this is doable with the ...
George Mauer's user avatar
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Are there any low-level functions for reading files in elisp?

I am looking for something equivalent to this in Python f = open('') print(f.readline()) I know you can insert the file-contents into a buffer and do something like this, but that is ...
John Kitchin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Cycling through a list back and forth

I need an interactive function that works like a generator, whenever it is called it should return "next" or "previous" value from a list. Whenever it reaches the end of the list, ...
iLemming's user avatar
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