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Questions tagged [js-mode]

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2 answers

Commenting out some JSX code section with Emacs 27 js-mode

When I comment out (M-x comment-dwim) some section of JSX code with the new js-mode in Emacs 27, it gives: // <Grid rows={rows} columns={columns}> // <Table /> // <TableHeaderRow /&...
cjauvin's user avatar
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Switch Cases's code block doesn't get indented in JavaScript mode

I'm having trouble with the indentation of the cases's code-blocks in my switch statements it looks like this: switch(var) { case "case1": case's code line 1; case's code line 2; ...
Santiago Lerin's user avatar
2 votes
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Emacs freezes when I type "="

I am in js-mode. The screenshot shows where I typed the = and emacs is completely frozen. No C-g, Esc, or q does anything. I have no idea how to even start debugging this.
Finn Luca Frotscher's user avatar
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How to automatically use rjsx-mode instead of js-jsx-mode

When I work with JSX files Emacs automatically switches to js-jsx-mode and acts sluggishly. When I switch it to rjsx-mode it works much faster. So the idea is to override one mode with another, so ...
Navidot's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set js-mode indent in Emacs >= 27.1

I have my tab width set to two spaces and this has worked fine for many years. I have just upgraded to Emacs 27.1, and now js-mode is displaying tabs as three spaces wide, ignoring my preferred ...
Malvineous's user avatar