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Questions tagged [wildcard]

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2 votes
1 answer

Open a wildcard-link directly rather than through dired

In Org mode, when I open a link (C-c C-o) to a file such as file:something.pdf, the file is opened with my system PDF viewer. However, if the link contains a wildcard, such as file:3_o*.pdf, Emacs ...
10 votes
2 answers

Wildcard in org-agenda-files

I have a project base folder, ~/prj, inside of which I have many individual projects, 2014_prj1, 2014_prj2, ..., inside of which I have, among others, a doc folder. The layout looks like this: ~/prj ...
1 vote
0 answers

wildcard expansion in buffer

I'm debugging with pdb in emacs and one of the parameters to the program I'm debugging is a list of regular expressions wrapped in quotes. Basically, pdb 'regex .* .*' from the ...