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2 answers

In LaTex mode, check if we are not in math mode for aas package

I am using the aas package (auto-activating snippets). When I want a snippet to expand we can do so by putting the following in the use-package declaration in the .emacs file: :cond #'texmathp "...
DennisJohnson's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Yasnippets: loading two major modes (`org-mode` and `LaTeX`)

I'm trying to load the yasnippets for the LaTeX mode every time I open an org file. Is it possible? How can this be achieved?
Dox's user avatar
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how to define a yasnippet in init file?

My init file (.emacs) is version-controlled, my packages are installed with use-package, so my Emacs config is self-contained. I don't want to add (and manage) specific snippet files into my ...
yPhil's user avatar
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Is there something I should do about "package assoc is obsolete" message?

Just noticed this message after emacs startup "Package assoc is obsolete!", but everything seems to work nice. The requirement seems to be called by yasnippet only. I just want to know if I should ...
Nsukami _'s user avatar
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How can I prevent yasnippet from breaking when I update my packages?

After packages have been updated, the location of the loaded elisp files will change to be in the folder of the new version of the package. Yasnippet attempts to lazily load snippets for the file it ...
Squidly's user avatar
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