In 1.x magit I often would rebase my local branch to master, the equivalent of:
git checkout master
git pull --rebase
git checkout dev-feature-1
git rebase --interactive master
In 1.x magit this was super fast and simple:
b b master
b b dev-feature-1
In 2.x magit it seems like this "rebase to another branch" functionality is gone, or very difficult to find? I read through the magit doc section on rebasing and it seems to assume the only place to rebase to is your currently set upstream. I don't want my upstream to change, it should remain origin/dev-feature-1, I just need to rebase -i against master to get my branch up-to-date.
Has this functionality been removed from magit, or is it called something else now? Maybe there are just more steps that make this formerly simple/frequent operation more complex and slow? Or maybe I'm just missing how to do it in my quick read of the docs?