I'd like to start swiper with a filter pre-set on the search -- as if I'd entered a search expression and then used S-SPC (ivy-restrict-to-matches) to clear the query space to narrow the results down further.

I can use

(swiper "something to search on here")

but I still see something to search on here in the minibuffer. How can I get that to go away programmatically?

My use-case is a simple way to navigate functions defined in a file. I defined a regexp that matches the beginning of functions up to the function name -- I'd like to match on this name.

  • I failed to understand the question. What is the application you have in mind? By the way, by default, ivy-restrict-to-matches is bound to S-SPC. Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 21:26
  • @KaushalModi Whoops, fixed. Thanks. My use-case is a simple way to navigate functions defined in a file. I defined a regexp that matches the beginning of functions up to the function name -- I'd like to match on this name. Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 21:42

1 Answer 1


It's a bit tricky, since you can't call anything after read-from-minibuffer (called by ivy-read called by swiper) until it returns. However, there's a visible function swiper--update-input-ivy that's called in post-command-hook. You can advice this function. It could also be possible to advice ivy--exhibit (it's always in the minibuffer's post-command-hook), but swiper--update-input-ivy will have less side-effects.

(defun swiper-ivy-restrict-to-matches-once (&rest r)

(defun swiper-for-defun ()
   :after 'swiper-ivy-restrict-to-matches-once)
  (swiper "defun"))

New solution due to an update in API

(defun swiper-for-defun ()
    (lambda (x)
      (string-match "^ (defun" x))
  • Any inhibitions about adding this behavior as an optional argument to swiper? Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 22:43
  • It could be done. In the source, it would look much more elegant - just a cl-remove-if-not over swiper--candidates. But why? What's the use case?
    – abo-abo
    Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 7:11
  • I describe my use case above – that's why I ask. Since this doesn't exist, I'm not convinced I'm taking the right approach. Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 9:26
  • That's not a full use case. Surely, you don't M-: the piece of code you posted. There's probably some defun and some binding and something you're trying to automate.
    – abo-abo
    Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 9:31
  • 1
    Now it is:) I would recommend to use semantic or imenu to navigate tags, but it's your choice. I've updated swiper--ivy to suit you more.
    – abo-abo
    Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 9:42

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