I'd like to add this solarized theme to my spacemacs. How do I do it?
So far I added (load-theme 'solarized t)
to my .spacemacs and I included it to my themes list. what I don't know is, where to put the downloaded directory from github.
I'd like to add this solarized theme to my spacemacs. How do I do it?
So far I added (load-theme 'solarized t)
to my .spacemacs and I included it to my themes list. what I don't know is, where to put the downloaded directory from github.
It should be enough to simple add solarized-light (solarized-dark) into dotspacemacs-themes list in .spacemacs file.
For example like this:
dotspacemacs-themes '(solarized-light
Spacemacs should figure it out on its own and no additional steps are necessary.