I have several parent-level tasks that I manage as projects so I've created TODO keywords to support project management as follows.
(setq org-todo-keywords
'((sequence "TODO" "NEXT(n)" "DOING(!)" "|" "DONE(d)")
(sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "DELEGATED" "|" "DONE")
(sequence "NEW" "PLANNING(p@/!)" "EXECUTION(x!)" "|" "COMPLETE(c)")
Each project will have a set of sub-tasks that I use the TODO NEXT DOING DONE states, such as the following.
* PLANNING This is a project
** TODO this is a project task
** NEXT this is another task
The behaviour I am seeing is that when I change the state of one of the sub-tasks, the parent 'project' task changes to TODO from it's current state. What I would like to do is customize this to at least stop this behaviour i.e. a sub-task should not change the state of the project level task. Ideally, though, I would like to see if it's possible to have the project level task state change to COMPLETE when all the child tasks are set to DONE. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!