Is it possible, or does some function exists, to get the equivalent of the alt-q command, but in programming?

Suppose I've just written this in python:

group_parser.add_argument('-n',nargs=1, default=5,
help='specifies how many missing entries in a row are allowed before the whole row gets omitted.')

The following is a rather long line. Is it possible to have some sort of automation for getting the following output?

parser.add_argument('-n',nargs=1, default=5, 
                    help='specifies how many ' +
                    'missing entries in a row ' +
                    'are allowed before the whole row gets ' +

In other words, a function that detects long input strings, and splits them up across multiple lines.

  • Obviously that kind of behaviour would be specific to each individual programming language. As a complete tangent, you might find the Keep Left formatting style an improvement when breaking lines.
    – phils
    Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 20:52

1 Answer 1


You should try multi-line. Out of the box it works sanely for many languages. You can cycle through many different indentation strategies.

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