I recently been having some troubles with Emacs Org mode, since I updated my system. I am a casual user and use Org for agendas and note-taking throughout the day.
The issue is that sometimes pressing Enter/Return key does not create new line (when the cursor at the bottom of an agenda). Also, the underlines from the date drag into the text. I am attaching an image to make sense of what is happening.
Below is a message from the Messages buffer
org-element--cache-find: Wrong type argument: avl-tree-, [cl-struct-avl-tree- [nil nil nil 0] org-element--cache-compare]
What could/should I do to bring back the system as it was? What is happening here?
edit: Tired C-u M-x org-reload as suggested in this post. One of the problems, the one with pressing Return key unable to create new lines - was solved. The issue with "underlines from date dragging into text" is still there. There was one observation - if I press space bar quickly after inserting date C-u C-c !, the underlines do not drag.