I'm trying to install markdown-mode using instructions on https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/, according to which I put into my init.el file
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/"))
and evaluating it, then evaluating
M-x package-install RET markdown-mode RET
but it gives the message, "[Not found]".
I tried package-refresh-contents
but it didn't fix the problem. Also, the list returned by package-list-packages
doesn't contain "markdown".
I've spent about an hour googling and reading but haven't found a solution so far.
I'm using Aquamacs 3.4 GNU Emacs, which "Check for updates…" claims is the current version. (I guess there's a delay between Emacs releases and downstream integration; hopefully my issue is not version-specific.) This distribution has some built-in markdown functionality but not (apparently) markdown-mode. Also, somewhere I read that there are additional packages (markdown2 and a couple of others) that I'd also like to try but which are likewise missing from my list-packages
M-x: list-packages
. Also, this result implies that there are probably other packages that are not appearing in the list—e.g., markdown2, as I mentioned in the question.package-list-packages
? Sometimes there is an issue with the secure protocol and one has to usehttp
in place ofhttps