I'm a former vim user that switched to emacs + evil with a still relatively simple configuration with only 36 packages. I'm really happy with the additional functionality emacs delivers, but one thing bothers me really much. Emacs is much slower when working and editing large files than vim. For example when I try to delete many lines with the "d NUMBEROFLINES d" in the magnitude of 10.000 or more emacs will freeze for some time. The same problems occurs when I try to select a large amount of lines in visual mode in similar magnitudes. In vim these things work almost immediately. I think that these performance issues are related to how emacs displays and edit text. My question is if there are any options or packages to work around these bottlenecks?
After profiling the garbage collection (automatic gc) seems to be the source of problem. It uses up to 97% of CPU when I try to higlight a large region of text. Activating fundamental-mode and deactivating evil-mode doesn't have any effect on this.
emacs -Q
? When it's slow, what does the profiler tell you?C-h i g (elisp)Profiling