I would like to turn on rainbow-mode in elisp and/or lisp modes when I am editing init.el using use-package. I've tried the following:

(use-package rainbow-mode
  :demand t
  ((text-mode  . rainbow-mode)
   (elisp-mode . rainbow-mode)
   (lisp-mode  . rainbow-mode)))

I've also tried attacking it from the other side and attaching it to the lisp/elisp mode definition

(use-package lisp-mode
  :ensure nil
  (lisp-mode  . rainbow-mode))

And I also tried using a setup method:

(use-package elisp-mode
  :ensure nil
   (elisp-mode  . lisp-mode-setup))

But it doesn't seem to work. I can turn it on manually in the buffer by calling M-x rainbow-mode but I can't get use-package to play ball. I'm basically trying to find a way to add code to a mode hook.

What am I missing? Should I do this a different way? Am I hooking into the correct mode?

1 Answer 1

(use-package rainbow-mode
  :hook (emacs-lisp-mode text-mode lisp-mode))

This is from the use-package info manual

File: use-package.info, Node: hook


The :hook keyword allows adding functions onto hooks, here only the basename of the hook is required. Thus, all of the following are equivalent:

     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :hook prog-mode)
     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :hook (prog-mode . ace-jump-mode))
     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :commands ace-jump-mode
       (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'ace-jump-mode))

And likewise, when multiple hooks should be applied, the following are also equivalent:

     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :hook (prog-mode text-mode))
     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :hook ((prog-mode text-mode) . ace-jump-mode))
     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :hook ((prog-mode . ace-jump-mode)
         (text-mode . ace-jump-mode)))
     (use-package ace-jump-mode
       :commands ace-jump-mode
       (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'ace-jump-mode)
       (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'ace-jump-mode))

The use of :hook, as with :bind, :mode, :interpreter, etc., causes the functions being hooked to implicitly be read as :commands (meaning they will establish interactive autoload definitions for that module, if not already defined as functions), and so :defer t is also implied by :hook.

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