I've been using emacs for 20+ years, but I need to ask for help with some of the more interesting features.
In my software work, I like to set different themes for widely different projects in the same language. In other words, Project X gets the default white background (I use precompiled emacs for Windows from http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/emacs/windows), but I like Project Y to have the manoj-dark theme so I can separate them mentally. Both projects have the same file extensions and major modes. They are in different file trees. In Eclipse, I can set a unique background color in each project file, but emacs doesn't work that way.
This fails:
'-*- Mode: Spin; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; (eval(load-theme 'manoj-dark t)); -*-
telling me "Malformed mode-line". Likewise with progn instead of eval, with and without the ';', or with just the inner "(load-theme 'manoj-dark t)". That last form works in .emacs, but I don't always want it. It does not work in a .dir-locals.el file.
"theme: 'manoj-dark" also fails in the -*- line, with an "unsafe" message
I've tried setting up a .emacs file in the project folder - emacs ignored it as it ignored .dir-locals.el. I see there is a "project.el" but it looks like a lot more than I am bargaining for.
What is the secret sauce for loading a certain theme or doing other customization for files in some folders but not others, using generic gnu emacs for windows? Thank you.