Here's an example Org clock table in Emacs:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 1 :scope file :tcolumns 1 :formula %
#+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2014-03-30 Sun 22:47]
| Headline     |   Time |     % |
| *Total time* | *4:31* | 100.0 |
| Item A       |   1:07 |  24.7 |
| Item B       |   1:06 |  24.4 |
| Item C       |   2:18 |  50.9 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(org-clock-time% @2$2 $2..$2);%.1f

Is it possible to move my cursor over Item B and run a command that would take me to Item B's clock? If so, is it possible to do the reverse and jump from the clock to the clock's row in the Org clock table?

1 Answer 1


I think I figured this out - sorry for the brevity. I need to add a link: attribute in my org clock BEGIN statement. For the above example, I need to make it look like this:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 1 :scope file :tcolumns 1 :formula :link %

Then the items will be rendered as link, and I can either click or execute the function M-x org-agenda-open-link, which will open a new buffer with the cursor over the org clock item.

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