I set my theme with load-theme in a use-package macro loaded at startup. The theme has also been installed with use-package, from the repository.
At each start emacs asks me if I really want to load the theme in case it's not safe, how can I tell him to stop ?
M-x load-theme
and selecting the theme you want to use, and see if it offers you the option to recognize it is safe in the future. I just tried installing a new theme and loading it this way, and it worked for me. The hash of the theme needs to be added tocustom-safe-themes
but I am not sure how to do this manually - probably you shouldn't.(setq custom-safe-themes t)
to your init file before you load your theme. This will treat all themes as safe, which could be a risk in theory, but if you are only installing themes from trusted sources, I don't see any issueM-x load-theme
emacs doesn't ask me like if it is safe yet, but when I load it from a .el file at startup it still asks me if I want to run lisp code.(setq custom-safe-themes t)
works for me so I'll test new themes in a session before loading them. Thanks