In org-mode, if I set the :file
header-arg at some point, like all header args, it is inherited at lower levels. I want to avoid duplicating the header-arg all over. In the case of :session
, the special value none
is used to not associate the code block with any existing session, it s always a new session. I want the special value for :file
, which represents do not write this to a file, but insert it directly as usual.
* set at top header level
:header-args: :R :file "abcd.pdf" :exports both :results output graphics
x = seq( from = -2, to = 2, by = 0.1)
plot (x,x^2,col="red", type="l")
** lower level header
# output still goes to abcd.pdf, but I don't want it to, I want it inserted
2 + 2
header in org-mode.