I'm using the latest version of emacs, with and without a custom MacOS build (homebrew-emacs-plus). So, I'm trying to use spacemacs on MacOS, and I can't get it to pick up the $PATH
on my host system. So when I try to run a command like M-x magit-status
, I get the error message.
apply: Searching for program: No such file or directory, git
Spacemacs is using Steve Purcell's exec-path-from-shell. This SO question isn't quite solving it. And I've tried the below configuration (not using exec-path-from-shell), but no dice. I can get it working on my custom emacs configuration. But I’m trying to transition to spacemacs. And this is a blocker. Anyone know howto solve this?
(let ((path (shell-command-to-string ". ~/.bash_profile; echo -n $PATH")))
(setenv "PATH" path)
(setq exec-path
(split-string-and-unquote path ":")