Same question for surrounding with bracket and braces as well. I'd like visually highlighted text to be surrounded without any added whitespace.

Currently ves( on text will result in ( text ) whereas ves) will result in (text). Because I will never need the spaces I'd just like to make ves({[ act like their closing parens/bracket/braces counterpart.

1 Answer 1


You can change the variable evil-surround-pairs-alist, which (for me) holds the following:

((40 "( " . " )")
 (91 "[ " . " ]")
 (123 "{ " . " }")
 (41 "(" . ")")
 (93 "[" . "]")
 (125 "{" . "}")
 (35 "#{" . "}")
 (98 "(" . ")")
 (66 "{" . "}")
 (62 "<" . ">")
 (116 . evil-surround-read-tag)
 (60 . evil-surround-read-tag)
 (102 . evil-surround-function))

If you change (40 "( " . " )") to (40 "(" . ")"), the parentheses are inserted without spaces. This can also be done using M-x customize.

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