I have different single files where i store different types of data, one data type per file. For instance one file for addresses and one file with an entry for each of my music CD's.
I need the following functionality per data file: For each new headline I make, automatically insert a :PROPERTIES: drawer, with specified property keys, just below the headline.
So, for instance when in my address file, I hit C-c to add a new headline for a new entry, and I get something like this:
* <headline text to be made>
where the property keys ("Name", "Street", "Tel") are given with no property value.
Or, if my single file contains data for my mineral collection, I would like each new headline to look like this:
* <headline text to be made>
I have two questions:
1) How can I automatically insert such property drawers, with specified property keys, under each header, based on some file variable settings in the top of the file?
2) How can I cycle through the properties in a drawer to add property values to each property key?