Supposing I have a document structure like:

* Heading 1
** Heading a
** Heading b
** Heading c
*** Heading i
*** Heading ii

When I do, say, M-xorg-export-as-html-and-open, I'd get HTML that shows things as:

1 Heading 1
1.1 Heading a
1.2 Heading b
1.3 Heading c
1.3.1 Heading i
1.3.2 Heading ii

I'd like this to instead be:

1 Heading 1
1.a Heading a
1.b Heading b
1.c Heading c
1.c.i Heading i
1.c.ii Heading ii

Or even something fancier like:

§ 1 Heading 1
§ 1(A) Heading a
§ 1(B) Heading b
§ 1(C) Heading c
§ 1(C)(i) Heading i
§ 1(C)(ii) Heading ii

Is there some way to do this? I found org-export-number-to-roman in the source, but it's not clear to me whether or where it gets called, and I don't see an org-export-number-to-letter or similar.

Is there some configuration value that I'm missing, or perhaps a hook that I could create that might be called like (org-get-outline-numbering-string 1 3 2) that I could set up to return an arbitrary string of my design such as 1.c.ii or 1(C)(ii), which would then get used, creating HTML such as the following?

<h4 id="sec-1-3-2"><span class="section-number-4">1.c.ii</span> Heading ii</h4>

I'm open to writing some elisp, but I'm not sure where to start.

  • 1
    I don't think this is possible, at least not using any of the built-in options with org-mode. See emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/32773/… for a similar (unresolved) issue
    – Tyler
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 16:16
  • Bummer. Well, in the meantime, I've written some javascript code to find the relevant <span> tags and transmogrify them. :)
    – lindes
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 6:44


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