I've found the rather useful How Packages work in Emacs 24, however, I'd like a definitive answer from an experienced user or a core developer as to which of these is actually preferred in the typical case on 24.4.

Afaik, (add-hook 'after-init-hook ...) is the so-to-say brute-force approach to setting up customizations for packages. However, eval-after-load and its more syntactically sugary with-eval-after-load seem more appropriate for more dynamic and fine grained configuration that plays well with the gradual, separate and lazy loading of extensions.

Is my understand correct? What else should I keep in mind?

1 Answer 1


Afaik, (add-hook 'after-init-hook ...) is the so-to-say brute-force approach to setting up customizations for packages.

No. If you want to configure packages in your init file, the typical approach is to call (package-initialize) at the top of the file, and then do the configurations. after-init-hook is unnecessarily complicated for this purpose.

However, eval-after-load and its more syntactically sugary with-eval-after-load seem more appropriate for more dynamic and fine grained configuration that plays well with the gradual, separate and lazy loading of extensions.

(with-)eval-after-load is used for things you want to do after a package is loaded. package-initialize doesn't load the packages, it only “prepares” them (loads their autoloads).

If you use eval-after-load around every set of configurations, you won't need to call (package-initialize) at the top. But what people usually do is to call (package-initialize), so that most configurations can be written straight to the init file, and then only eval-after-load code which is very long or which depends on the package being loaded.

  • but it would still be OK to put everything under eval-after-load for any given package, right, and not use (package-initialize) at all? Commented Nov 16, 2014 at 23:56
  • @ErikAllik Yes. If you use eval-after-load around every set of configurations, you won't need to call (package-initialize) at the top.
    – Malabarba
    Commented Nov 17, 2014 at 0:27

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