I am using Windows 10. I have cloned spacemacs repository inside my %APPDATA%
folder. When I launch Emacs for the first time, it asks me usual question about preferring Evil and Helm mode. Then it creates a .spacemacs
files in %APPDATA%
folder. So far, so good.
Now, I want to use .spacemacs
file that I have in my dotfiles repository. To do so, I open up cmd with administrative privileges, and use following command
$ mklink %APPDATA%\.spacemacs %HOMEPATH%\Repos\dotfiles\spacemacs\spacemacs
It successfully creates a soft linked .spacemacs
file. But when I launch Emacs, it asks me again about Evil and Helm mode and overwrites original file, %HOMEPATH%\Repos\dotfiles\spacemacs\spacemacs
If I instead of creating a soft link, copy spacemacs
file from repository to the folder, then Emacs respects the settings in it.
How do I make Emacs to treat this soft linked .spacemacs
as a normal configuration?
I have similar setup on macOS where soft link poses no issues.