In the compile buffer of Emacs 25.3.1, I am getting the following compilation error using Clang (the error message is given as it appears in the compile buffer line by line) :
src/platform/linux/linux.c:668:70: error: no member named 'buffer_size_' in 'struct
OpenGL_State::(anonymous at src/platform/linux/opengl.c:8:5)'
init_data->render_command_buffer_size_in_bytes = gl->command.buffer_size_;
Emacs correctly matches src/platform/linux/linux.c:668:70
to be a filepath in the first line; however, in the second line, it matches with OpenGL_State::(anonymous at src/platform/linux/opengl.c:8:5)'
instead of src/platform/linux/opengl.c:8:5
which means that when I click on the error, Emacs can not find the file.
How can I make Emacs not start matching the file name from the beginning of the line?