Plain text inherited from ctext.org contain the following syntax: {{...}}





Commentary within the braces are displayed as such:

display on ctext

How can this be reproduced in org-mode? My guess is that I would need to work on faces and syntax tables.

Using @xuechunyang's answers below, I'd like to define another set of commentary markup on my own by changing some of the variables. Why doesn't this work?

(defface org-commentary-2
  '((t :foreground "blue2"))
  "Face for blue text in org mode")

(defun org-add-my-extra-markup ()
  (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords
               `(,(rx (group "((")
                      (group (+? anything))
                      (group "))"))
                 (1 '(face default invisible t))
                 (2 '(face org-commentary-2))
                 (3 '(face default invisible t)))))

(add-hook 'org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook #'org-add-my-extra-markup)
  • 1
    }} is missing in the first comment.
    – xuchunyang
    Commented Jun 18, 2019 at 3:32
  • Yes - that's the way it is. I've not changed anything. If the behavior in line 1-2 is confusing (possibly a bug somewhere), I think we can just focus on lines 3-4 and get that to work for now.
    – Sati
    Commented Jun 18, 2019 at 6:26

2 Answers 2


Here's my attempt. I learnt org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook on https://www.gonsie.com/blorg/org-highlight.html. The org-green face is defined in @amitp's answer.

(defun org-add-my-extra-markup ()
  (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords
               `(,(rx (group "{{")
                      (group (+? anything))
                      (group "}}"))
                 (1 '(face default invisible t))
                 (2 '(face org-green))
                 (3 '(face default invisible t)))))

(add-hook 'org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook #'org-add-my-extra-markup)

There are two things you want.

  1. Apply a face (green text) to the area between {{ and }}.
  2. Hide the {{ and }}.

For the first, you can define a green face and then use font-lock to mark the text:

(defface org-green
  '((t :foreground "green4"))
  "Face for green text in org mode")

(defun my/org-mode-font-lock ()
   '(("{{\\(.*\\)}}" 1 'org-green t))))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'my/org-mode-font-lock)

For the second, I am not sure. Font-lock normally applies faces, but invisible is a text property and not a face. An alternative is to use the org-hide face:

(defun my/org-mode-font-lock ()
      (1 'org-hide t)
      (2 'org-green t)
      (3 'org-hide t)
  • I think the green text also needs to be slightly smaller than the usual text.
    – Sati
    Commented Jul 7, 2019 at 6:39
  • 1
    The size is controlled by :height so you can use :height 0.9 after the :foreground, or do any other customizations to the face.
    – amitp
    Commented Jul 7, 2019 at 15:50

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