I have an org file of 470 lines, 20 headings and 15 noweb references.
From it I tangle 2 files that are 250 lines and differ very little. Tangling takes over a minute and a lot of painful redisplay:
- the modeline shows clauses being tangled
- the buffer jumps to the different references
How can I speed this up? I tried the following but it has no effect:
;; tangle is too slow, try to speed it up
(add-hook 'org-babel-pre-tangle-hook
(defun my-org-babel-pre-tangle-hook () (setq inhibit-redisplay t)))
(add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook
(defun my-org-babel-pre-tangle-hook () (setq inhibit-redisplay nil)))
Also, I'm afraid that if it had effect, an exception (or user-quit) may leave inhibit-display
on and lock me out of emacs.
inhibit-message t
has effect. But I was afraid, it leaves emacs in a state where it doesn't update the screen. Luckily the mini-buffer works so I can useM-: (setq inhibit-display nil)
command line, e.g.emacs --batch -f package-initialize -eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" your-file.org -f org-babel-tangle