Trying to get org-journal working, but it wants to auto-complete nearly every word I type, then require two space bar hits to advance to type next word.

I tried this and it works

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (toggle-auto-completion-off)))

but this is a false-friend and causes bizarre problems other places. I want company on but just not while typing text in org-journal. Can that be done?

Here is my org-journal config

(use-package org-journal
  :after org
  (org-journal-dir "~/Dropbox/org/journal/")
  (org-journal-date-prefix "#+TITLE: ")
  (org-journal-time-prefix "* ")
  (org-journal-file-format "%Y/%m/%Y%m%d.org")
  (org-journal-date-format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
  (org-journal-enable-agenda-integration t)
  ("C-c j" . org-journal-new-entry))

Yes, when I disable company, the problem goes away. A hook should allow this, but I'm getting it wrong?

(add-hook 'org-journal-mode-hook (company-mode -1))
  • 1
    That should be (add-hook 'org-journal-mode-hook (lambda () (company-mode -1))). Hooks are lists of functions not forms. Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 11:38
  • Yes, I think I tried it but it didn't seem to work -- or I don't know how or where to apply it. Where would it go?
    – 147pm
    Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 15:18
  • Put it in the use-package stanza after :config. Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 15:20
  • Thanks. That worked in the org-journal block.
    – 147pm
    Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 15:37

1 Answer 1


At the suggestion of Fran Burstall above in the comments, I added a properly written hook to org-journal-mode-hook to my org-journal use-package block

(use-package org-journal
  :after org
  (org-journal-dir "~/Dropbox/org/journal/")
  (org-journal-date-prefix "#+TITLE: ")
  (org-journal-time-prefix "* ")
  (org-journal-file-format "%Y/%m/%Y%m%d.org")
  (org-journal-date-format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
  (org-journal-enable-agenda-integration t)
  ("C-c j" . org-journal-new-entry)
  (add-hook 'org-journal-mode-hook (lambda () (company-mode -1))))

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