How can I export all the tables in org-mode file similar to that.

* May
:TABLE_EXPORT_FILE: ~/Desktop/may.csv
:TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT: orgtbl-to-csv


* June
:TABLE_EXPORT_FILE: ~/Desktop/june.csv
:TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT: orgtbl-to-csv


I want to run something like this to export all tables to the defined file.

emacs --batch table.org  --eval 'org-table-export'

The problem is that I have to be in the table.

1 Answer 1


You can use org-table-map-tables for iterating over the tables of an Org file.

Example for the Shell command:

emacs --batch table.org  --eval '(org-table-map-tables (quote org-table-export))'

You should give the file names for the exported tables and the export format in the org file like that:

* First Section
:TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT: orgtbl-to-csv
| header 1 | header 2 |
|      1.1 |      1.2 |
|      2.1 |      2.2 |

* Second Section
:TABLE_EXPORT_FILE: second.csv
:TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT: orgtbl-to-csv

| 2nd header 1 | 2nd header 2 |
|         21.1 |         21.2 |
|         22.1 |         22.2 |

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