I am writing a text in orgmode that I want to export to pdf. I want to include specific lines from a latex file using #+include:
. In fact, I want to include multiple text sections from a single latex file at specific locations in an org file.
Following the documentation I should be able to do so using the :lines
argument with export latex
. This, however, seems not to be working.
An org file with the following content:
#+TITLE: Some File
* Heading
#+include: "another-file.tex" export latex :lines 3-5
Does not include anything from the latex file.
I also tested whether the order of arguments had an effect, i.e., with #+include: "another-file.tex" :lines 3-5 export latex
. This results in the whole .tex-file being included in the exported PDF.
What am I missing here?
M-x org-submit-bug-report
. I don't think you are missing anything.