This is a follow-up on Creating buttons/input fields.
I learned that forms (or rather its elements) in Emacs are called widgets and I am now experimenting on how I can get the best result for what I like to build.
Since some editable-field
values shall be used with some (external) commands and evaluated to fill other fields, I wonder if one could limit the :notify
property (or something similar) to only trigger when exiting the field (e.g. when pressing TAB or RET) rather than on every single character change. This is to reduce the amount the attached command is run to once when I am done with the field.
, andwidget-backward
so that before they run, they could run an update function (probably not the one for notify though?:notify
inside a specific widget. Though I think it is dedicated for that pupose. An example of a command I want to run is to use a name to find the login in an LDAP tree. For obvious reasons I do not want to spam LDAP with unfinished names to find the login, but have it only search for it once I am done entering the name. Of course, I can introduce a button to manually search for it, but would prefer an automated solution.