In the process of exporting Org files to html, I would like an org-protocol link in Org mode to export to html using the html export backend.

In my Org file, my org-protocol link is styled like this:

[[org-protocol://open-file?file=/Users/user/Download/test.org][Link to test file]]

org-protocol://open-file is a custom protocol as defined in this answer.

This should export to html like this:

<a href="org-protocol://open-file?file=/Users/user/Download/test.org">Link to test file</a>

When I test conversion to html using org-html-convert-region-to-html, I get the error Unable to resolve link: "org-protocol://open-file?file=/Users/user/Download/test.org".

System information: Emacs 27.2, Org mode 9.4.4, MacOS 12.2.1.

How can I export my org-protocol link to html?

  • Does the link in the Org file actrually work? If you click on it, does the file open? I get an error saying "No match for fuzzy expression: org-protocol://open...".
    – NickD
    Commented Mar 19, 2022 at 5:09
  • It doesn't work in the org file, but the HTML code works in a webpage. I've tested org-protocol by putting the example HTML link in an HTML source block, which exports correctly and functions as expected. I guess I forgot to mention that org-protocol://open-file is a custom protocol, that I've defined using this answer. My initial asssumption was that getting org-protocol links to work properly in Org was a separate problem from exporting them to HTML, but it could be related.
    – jrasband
    Commented Mar 19, 2022 at 21:45

1 Answer 1


The solution is to add org-protocol to org-link-parameters, as suggested by this solution and this solution.

Having this code in my init.el fixed my problem:

 :export (lambda (path desc backend)
        ((eq 'html backend)
         (format "<a href=\"org-protocol:%s\">%s</a>" path desc)))))

It's likely that one could fix the error mentioned in NickD's comment by setting the :follow parameter for "org-protocol" in a similar way, but that's not related to the original question about exporting links.

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